โ Regional Site, Rawis, Legazpi City 4500
โ 0969 516 9555
๐ region5@deped.gov.ph
โ DepEd Region V
Mandates : “DepEd Bicol Cares, Shares and Serve with a SMILE”
Name | Office/Division | Position | Email Address | |
SADSAD, | GILBERT | Office of the Regional Director | Regional Director | gilbert.sadsad@deped.gov.ph |
SENTILLAS, | BEBIANO | Office of the Asst. Regional Director | Asst. Regional Director | bebiano.sentillas@deped.gov.ph |
RABELAS, | GRACE | Curriculum and Learning Management Division | Chief โ CLMD | grace.rabelas@deped.gov.ph |
BAROSO, | MARIA CRISTINA | Education Support Services Division | PDO IV / OIC-Chief โ ESSD | mariacristina.baroso@deped.gov.ph |
SACULO, | EVANGELINE | Policy Planning and Research Division | Chief โ PPRD | evangeline.saculo@deped.gov.ph |
PERDIGONES | CASIANO | Field Technical Assistance Division | EPS/OIC-Chief โ FTAD | casiano.perdigones@deped.gov.ph |
BAรAS, | ROY | Human Resource Development Division | Chief โ HRDD | roy.banas@deped.gov.ph |
NACION, | SANCHA | Quality Assurance Division | Chief โ QAD | sancha.nacion@deped.gov.ph |
DY, | JOCELYN | Administrative Division | Chief โ Admin | jocelyn.dy@deped.gov.ph |
TUBIG, | ROSE ANN | Finance Division | Chief โ FD | roseann.tubig@deped.gov.ph |